Since I’ve had a few questions about it recently, I though I’d lay it out again with an addition that I realized I’d never actually mentioned before but is important as some folks are getting close to MAXIMUM HONOR.
So, your BBotE can be refilled. Keep a hold of the shipper that I send the bottle to you in. When you finish you bottle, rinse it out and send it back to me. While I may ship BBotE to you either priority of express mail,your empty doesn’t have to return to with any particular speed. Once I get it back, I will email you with a 10% off discount code for your refill order. In the best case scenario, you actually have two bottles going in rotation so that you are never tragically left without BBotE.
NOTE: “refill” means putting new BBotE in your old bottle for you until the bottle is full once more. Hence, re-fill.

If you look at the label, you can see several blank lines so I can note the different varieties & batches you go through as you get refills. When you hit the last line, the next refill is free and you should retire that bottle as it has achieved MAXIMUM HONOR.
Honestly, silly declarations of kung fu cafffeination aside, I would like to promote the reuse of the bottles. I remember the wonderfully battered big Coke bottles I used to buy at the liquor store when I was little and always thought that nice eternal aspect of glass was great. The only complication I see in my plan is that so many people have told me that they adore the bottles that I’ve used that they’re keeping them for something else. That’s recycling too even if it’s not quite what I intended.