The Wire

At this point, the only things that have any hope of getting to folks in time for Christmas are the Steins of Science that I currently have on hand and the BBotE production runs due to complete by Tuesday. There’s a few batches of Ethiopia and Kona slated to finish on Wednesday, but unless you …

I Went Here: Exploration, Toilet By Toilet

At last, the long promised “Bathrooms of Antarctica” post. Once upon a time, in the dawn of the new millennium when Geocities and Angelfire sites still littered the internet, I came across a brilliant website, now lost to the ages, entirely dedicated to one man’s exploration of the world via it’s bathrooms. Now, you might …

Another Rant: The Funranium Labs Customer Service Ethos

I do my best to compose these posts with the appropriate level of insobriety fueling me. I like to think that it allows me to summon the correct creativity needed to share More Awesome. In this case, it is the vitriol directed at organizations Doin’ It Wrong. This morning I just shipped a replacement Stein …