As the denizens of this blog know, Dia de los Muertos is my birthday and, in my family, one’s birthday is a high holy day. It is to be honored and you should enjoy the hell out of that day. While I will be going to visit some of the graves of members of the Donner family of Donner Party cannibalism fame on the actual day, I will be deferring a lot of that fun until the weekend and the following week.

This Saturday, I will be joining Test Subject Not-A-Whale Biologist (AKA Thomas White), Test Subject THE WORLD, my Lovely Assistant and Cap’n Seafood Watch for a 24 marathon of my favorite board game, Shadows of Brimstone. Much like when joined in the fun for the Oktobercast, I will be joining in for a supporting role for Thomas’s ExtraLife campaign supporting Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital. We will be playing this wonderful day of Cowboys & Cthulhus all day with the a whole lot of BBotE and impromptu dance parties to keep us going. Please join us for being very, very silly and help some sick kids because that’s what I want to do with my birthday.
Speaking of BBotE, the next production window will open up on Saturday but it will be somewhat short stocked as I have some travel scheduled around Veteran’s Day for a long weekend to Baltimore. I’ll ship out as much as I can before I leave next week and fire up the coffee engines again on my return, but obviously none can go out when I’m not in town. Every time I visit DC, I usually remember all the museums near Baltimore that I’ve failed to visit yet again so we’re fixing that this time. I’m pretty excited to make My Lovely Assistant as tired of 12 Monkeys references in Baltimore as she was of Fallout 3 in Washington, DC.
There’s another Idiot’s Holiday coming up too. I, apparently, didn’t learn my lesson from last year’s adventure.
Lastly, THE DECEMBERING will soon be at hand again. If you’re planning your holidays that far out, I kinda envy your preparedness, but start thinking.