In the last couple of days Ambassador restock shipments have gone out to a variety to Baltimore/DC, Austin, London (UK), Los Angeles, and Houston. In particular, the Ambassador of Houston wanted me to let you local folks know that he’s got 375ml bottles available to grab here made with the beans of his favorite local roaster. Come ‘n’ get ’em while you can.

Meanwhile, on October 21st I will be attending the ComBots Cup VII in San Mateo. Why? Pfft, do you really need to ask that because, c’mon, robots! In the interest of greater glory, I have volunteered to make a respectable amount of BBotE available to the staff that make the magic of Fightin’ Robots possible over two days. I’m to understand from the organizers that there’s a distinct lack of sleep around this event and that I can help with that. Because robots.
My suggestion for the aerobot combat may need to be done elsewhere BUT I LIKE THE IDEA. I suspect the FAA won’t though.
More seriously, the crew at RoboGames sponsors a variety of events for the robotically inclined to test a variety of applications. The BarBot Challenge is particularly near and dear to my heart. Around the world, they’ve been helping teach kids the joy of tinkering and I can get behind that. For those wondering if they can jump into robotics, I’m to understand that there are workshops and often parts o’ plenty to tinker with at their events.
I also hear tell that Lagunitas Brewing will be there, therefore my stein will be as well. I won’t have a vendor booth because I expect to be far too busy watching the combatants and looking at the wonders on display, but if you happen to catch me there be sure to say hello. I might bring a few extra steins in the car, but no guarantees.
Seriously, come on out. Robots. How many times to have to say it, people?