Not To Cause Alarm Or Anything…

But it is now August 1st.  This means …*hastily checks the calendar, while carefully not spilling the cocktail*…Oktoberfest starts in roughly 7 weeks.  The event that caused the original “der Wissenschaftenstein” to come into being a year ago is once again upon us.

If you want a Stein of Science in time for Oktoberfest, don’t dawdle and run down the clock.  I normally quote a three week lead time, so tempt not the fates particularly if you want one of the larger ones.

Oh, and if you want one and you’re actually heading to Munich with it (or you’re already in Munich)…drop me a line.  It will be worth your while.

I don’t even want to think about Christmastime.  Unless we’re discussing eggnog.  Mmmm…delicious nog.